But some construe εξηλθον, they went out, with απο των εθνων, from the Gentiles, or rather by the Gentiles, and give the passage this sense: They went out, i.e., were driven out by the Gentiles, taking nothing with them, i.e., leaving all their property behind, so that they were in a state of great destitution. But the writer was an *elder overall the churches in a large area.Much of this letter is like John’s first letter. 3 John. He also wrote Body of Divinity, 3 volumes, and several other volumes. That to be driven out or expelled is one scriptural meaning of the verb εξερχομαι, see Matthew 8:32; : And when they were come out, οἱ δε εξελθοντεσς, and when they were Driven Out. The truth that is in thee - The soundness of thy faith and the depth of thy religion. Best Commentaries on 3 John. This also is a private letter written, some time after First John, to his personal friend, Gaius. Above all things — Or, with respect to all things, as περι παντων rather signifies; that thou mayest prosper and be in health — Namely, of body; even as, I doubt not, thy soul prospereth — In faith, love, and every virtue. Thou hast acted as the faith - the Christian religion, required thee to act, in all that thou hast done, both to the brethren at home, and to the strangers - the itinerant evangelists, who, in the course of their travels, have called at thy house. They denied that God could be packaged in flesh. The addressee’s name, Gaius, was a very common one in the Roman Empire and it is highly unlikely that the person addressed here is the same Gaius associated with Paul (Rom 16:23; 1 Cor. a. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in … Grace will employ health. Commends Demetrius, 3 John 1:12. 3 For o this is the love of God , that we p keep his commandments . Proud member Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading 1-3 John (Baker Exegetical Commentary on … 3 John 1:9-10. Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born … Go To 3 John Index Title: The epistle’s title is “3 John”. Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Fellow helpers to the truth - And thus encourage the persecuted, and contribute to the spread and maintenance of the Gospel. 2 John and 3 John are almost exactly the same length, and the phraseology is extremely similar. 3 John Overcoming the World 5 k Everyone who believes that l Jesus is the Christ has been born of God , and m everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him . - Latin text of the Complutensian. I have already shown in the preface to those epistles termed catholic, that the word καθολικος is not to be taken here, and elsewhere in these epistles, as signifying universal, but canonical; for it would be absurd to call an epistle universal that was written to a private individual. - A. C. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Which have borne witness of thy charity -. John 3 Commentary. The brethren of whom St. John speaks might have been apostles; the strangers, assistants to these apostles, as John Mark was to Barnabas. I had many things to write - That is, I have many things that I might write; but having the hope of seeing thee shortly, I will not commit them to paper. For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that isin you, just as you walk in the truth. 1-3 John (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) - Kindle edition by Yarbrough, Robert W.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. 1, 2, and 3 John. There was some confusion about receiving certain evangelists. Speaks of the bad conduct of Diotrephes; his abuse of his power in the Church; and his slander of the apostles, 3 John 1:9, 3 John 1:10. Demetrius hath good report - Perhaps another member of the Church where Caius was; or he might have been one of those whom the apostle recommends to Caius; or, possibly, the bearer of this letter from John to Caius. Instead of απολαμβανειν, to receive, the most ancient and reputable MSS. Matthew 12:43; : When the unclean spirit is gone out, εξελθη, is Driven Out. The tradition from the earliest days of the church has been that the apostle John is the author. To hear that my children - From this it has been inferred that Caius was one of St. John's converts, and consequently not the Corinthian Caius, who was converted, most probably, by St. Paul. That thou mayest Prosper and be in Health, as thy Soul Prospereth. John 3:5 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] John 3:5, NIV: "Jesus answered, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit." (Read 3 John 1:1-8) Those who are beloved of Christ, will love the brethren for his sake. I wrote unto the Church - The Church where Caius was; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence, φιλοπρωτευων, who loves the presidency, or chief place in the Church. Nor is it certain whether Gaius … Book Overview - 3 John by Arend Remmers. Exhorts Caius to avoid his example, and to follow what is good, 3 John 1:11. 900–1,000 pages per volume, Originally they were 9 volumes, folio. This individual is well-known to the author of 3 John, but it is not so certain whether they had met in person before or not, since the report of Gaius’ conduct toward the brothers is heard second-hand by the author. But the apostle might use the term children here as implying those who were immediately under his pastoral care, and, being an old man, he had a right to use such terms in addressing his juniors both in age and grace; and there is much both of propriety and dignity in the appellation coming from such a person. Do we suffer them to lack the bread that perisheth, while they minister to us with no sparing hand the bread of life? He also knew that Jesus would increase in honour and influence, for of his government and peace there would be no … John 3 - In-depth verse-by-verse Bible study and commentary of John chapter 3 in plain English. Both were itinerant evangelists. Chapter 1. And lastly, there is the Caius who is mentioned here, and who is thought by some critics to be different from all the above; for, in writing to him, St. John ranks him among his children, which seems, according to them, to intimate that he was converted by this apostle. The three epistles of John are surely the work of one man and most scholars conclude that it is John the apostle. The Third Epistle of St. John the apostle is ended. 2 John. Bible Commentaries /. The probability of this Caius being the same with the Corinthian Caius has suggested the thought that this epistle was sent to Corinth; and consequently that the second epistle was sent to some place in the neighborhood of that city. Updated: Sat, 01/02/2021 - 19:38 By admin PREVIOUS NEXT. 3 John 1. Book List. And those congregations of Christians are ever found to prize the Gospel most, and profit most by it, who bear all expenses incident to it, and vice versa. Audio Edition 3 John 1:1-15 NIV Commentary. A curious reading here, εθνικων, heathenish men, for εθνων, Gentiles, which latter might imply those who were converted from among the Gentiles, while the sense of the other term seems to be restrained to those who were still unconverted, may seem to strengthen the above interpretation; and although the construction seems rather harsh, yet it is not, on the whole, unlikely. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) /. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. Commending Christian Hospitality. We seldom hear this epistle quoted but in the reproof of lordly tyrants, or prating troublesome fellows in the Church. Third John The Tyndale Commentary introduces this epistle as follows: “Like the second letter, the third is brief enough to have been written on a single sheet of papyrus. ἔγραψά τι τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ] The τι, which according to the authorities is probably genuine, does not serve, as Lücke rightly remarks, to intensify = “something important,” but rather to weaken = “something, a little.”. 3 John 1-8. This Pillar commentary seeks to clearly explain the meaning of John's letters to teachers, pastors, and general readers looking for a reliable resource for personal study. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Sometimes, and on some special occasions, this may be necessary; but the laborer is worthy of his hire is the maxim of the author of Christianity. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Audience. 1. He was doubtless an officer in the Church, at least a deacon, probably a bishop; and, being one, he magnified himself in his office; he loved such eminence, and behaved himself haughtily in it. - Arabic. 3 John 1:1-15 NRSV Large Print Commentary. Alex. of Demetrius. StudyLıght .org . "the beloved" This is characteristic of John's letters (cf. A. by Karen H. Jobes. The reading above referred to is that of the most ancient and reputable MSS. "Gaius" There has been much discussion as to whether Gaius or Diotrephes is the pastor of this local church. Audio Edition with New International Version. If I come, I will remember - I will show him the authority which, as an apostle of Jesus Christ, I possess. The Third catholic Epistle of John the evangelist and divine. John 7:53 [The earliest manuscripts and many other ancient witnesses do not have John 7:53—8:11. Soul prosperity is the greatest blessing on this side heaven. To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Even as thy soul prospereth - John had learned, it would seem, from the “brethren” who had come to him, 3 John 1:3, that Gaius was living as became a Christian; that he was advancing in the knowledge of the truth, and was exemplary in the duties of the Christian life; and he prays that in all other respects he might be prospered as much as he was in that. 3 John 1:2-4. The Third Epistle of John the apostle is ended. (II John 1:5, 13) 3. Ink and pen are here mentioned; paper and ink in the preceding epistle. Bible /. The elder - See on the first verse of the preceding epistle ( 2 John 1:1; (note), and also the preface. And yet the epistle contains many excellent sentiments, which, if judiciously handled, might be very useful to the Church of God. 3 John 1, Adam Clarke Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is one of the most respected interdenominational commentaries ever written. The main message, of I John is that Jesus was God come in the flesh to save humanity. There are three ways that we can use the word ‘*elder’. Colin G. Kruse, Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC), Eerdmans, 2000, 277 pp. This haughty and unfeeling man would give no countenance to the converted Gentiles; so far from it, that he would not receive any of them himself, forbade others to do it, and excommunicated those who had been received into the Church by the apostles. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. After a godly sort - Αξιως του Θεου· Worthy of God; and in such a way as he can approve. Salem Media Group. Our friends salute thee - Desire to be affectionately remembered to thee. 3 John 1:2 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] 3 John 1:2, NIV: "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Beloved, I wish — Or, I pray, as ευχομαι is translated by Beza, Estius, Erasmus, Schmidius, Doddridge, and others. Mark 9:29; : This kind can come forth by nothing εν ουδενι δυναται εξελθειν, can be Driven Out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Whom if thou bring forward - If thou continue to assist such, as thou hast done, thou shalt do well. Get … He seems to have been an excellent person: all testified of his righteousness; the truth - Christianity, itself bore testimony to him; and the apostles themselves added theirs also. He had the complete dog in the manger principle: he would neither do, nor let do; and when good was done that he did not approve, he endeavored to undo it. https://www.insight.org/resources/bible/the-general-epistles/third-john 3 and 2 John present the closest approximation in the New Testament to the conventional letter form of the contemporary Greco-Roman world, since they were addressed from an individual to individuals. The prayer of St. John for Caius includes three particulars: When the brethren came - Probably the same of whom he speaks in the fifth ( 3 John 1:5;) and following verses, and who appear to have been itinerant evangelists. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. But I think the distance between Ephesus, where St. John resided, and Corinth, was too considerable for such an aged man as St. John is represented to be to travel, whether by land or water. Which have borne witness of thy charity - Of thy love and benevolence. These three things, so necessary to the comfort of life, every Christian may in a certain measure expect, and for them every Christian is authorized to pray; and we should have more of all three if we devoutly prayed for them. This appears to be the meaning of neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the Church. Our Library /. It could mean that the people respected him as amature man. Peace be to thee - Mayest thou possess every requisite good, both of a spiritual and temporal kind. The end of the epistles of the pure Apostle and Evangelist John. Third John shows us something of the problem of personalities within the church, and three people are mentioned here. 2 n By this we know that we love the children of God , when we love God and obey his commandments . (5-8) Jesus explains the new birth. See also 1 John 2:19; Revelation 3:12; and Schleusner, in voc. For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou … Excuses himself from writing more fully, and proposes to pay him a visit shortly, 3 John 1:13, 3 John 1:14. John 3 Resources. (I John 4:1-3) b. For whatever profession any man may make, it will ever appear that he who doeth good is of God - he alone is the person who uses rightly the grace received from God, and he alone shall enjoy the Divine approbation; While he that doeth evil - He who is unfeeling, unmerciful, unkind, hath not seen God - has no proper knowledge of that God whose Name is mercy, and whose Nature is love. Chapter 1. The former (friends) is a very singular appellation, and nowhere else found in Scripture; the latter is of frequent occurrence. I wish above all things - Περι παντων ευχομαι· Above all things I pray that thou mayest prosper, and be in health, και ὑγιαινειν· to which one MS. adds εν αληθεια, which gives it a different meaning, viz., that thou mayest be sound in the truth. ). Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New Testament. Follow not that which is evil - Μμ μιμου το κακον· Do not imitate that wicked man, i.e., the conduct of Diotrephes; be merciful, loving, and kind. - Ditto, Greek text. Each localchurch had its leaders who were the ‘elders’. have ὑπολαμβανειν, to take up, undertake for, or kindly receive. 3 John 1-8 Bible Study with Discussion Questions, Teaching Points, and Cross References. This is a proof to me that this epistle was not sent to Corinth, where it is not likely John ever was; and where it is not likely he had any particular acquaintances, unless we could suppose he had seen some of them when he was an exile in Patmos, an island in the Aegean Sea. In this epistle the apostle congratulates Gaius upon the prosperity of his soul ( v. 1, v. 2 ), upon the fame he had among good Christians ( v. 3, v. 4 ), and upon his charity and hospitality to the servants of Christ ( v. 5, v. 6 ). Summary of The Book of 3 John. Greet the friends by name - remember me to all those with whom I am acquainted, as if I had specified them by name. 3 John 1:2, ESV: "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul." Meyer's NT Commentary. Author. These three men are like three kinds of Christians found in the church in any age. Kypke thinks that πιστον is put here for πιστιν, and that the phrase signifies to keep or preserve the faith, or to be bound by the faith, or to keep one's engagements. Diotrephes. II. A few manuscripts include these verses, wholly or in part, after John 7: 3 6, John 21:25, Luke 21: 3 … 1:14; Acts 19:29, 20:4). Now as the apostle promises, both in the second and in this epistle, to see the persons shortly to whom he wrote, I take it for granted that they could not have lived at Corinth, or anywhere in the vicinity of that city. Receiveth us not - Does not acknowledge the apostolical authority. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Learn more. There is a man named Gaius, to whom this letter is written; another man named Diotrephes, and a third individual named Demetrius. Thou doest faithfully - Πιστον ποιεις . Click chart to enlarge Charts from Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission See another Chart from Swindoll Click to enlarge. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. The well-beloved Gaius - Γαιος Gaius, is the Greek mode of writing the Roman name Caius; and thus it should be rendered in European languages. But it has been the lot both of the minor prophets and the minor epistles to be generally neglected; for with many readers bulk is every thing; and, no magnitude no goodness. 1 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. If he went by water, he must cross the Aegean Sea, and navigate among the Cyclades Islands, which was always a dangerous voyage. 3 John. Let all Churches, all congregations of Christians, from whom their ministers and preachers can claim nothing by law, and for whom the state makes no provision, lay this to heart; let them ask themselves, Do we deal with these in a manner worthy of God, and worthy of the profession we make? We therefore ought to receive such - Those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, and have professed the truth at the hazard of their lives, and the loss of all their worldly substance. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Commentary on John 3:22-36 (Read John 3:22-36) John was fully satisfied with the place and work assigned him; but Jesus came on a more important work. Prosperity in secular affairs. As some MSS. Prating against us - Diotrephes might have been a converted Jew, who was unwilling that the Gentiles should be received into the Church; or a Judaizing Christian, who wished to incorporate the law with the Gospel, and calumniated the apostles who taught otherwise. Before the Church - The believers at Ephesus; for to this Church the apostle seems to refer. Author: The Book of 3 John does not directly name its author. There have been occasional doubts raised by those who thought it possible that this was written by another disciple of the Lord named John, but all the evidence points to the author as John the beloved disciple who also wrote the … So it should be still in the mission and itinerant ministry. The end of the Third catholic Epistle of St John. The third of John. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. There is not a word here about the pilgrims and penitential journeys which the papists contrive to bring out of this text. It is not very common that a man is more prospered in his … and Vatican. Let a certain class of religious people, who will find themselves out when they read this note, consider whether, when their preachers have ministered to them their certain or stated time, and are called to go and serve other Churches, they send them forth in a manner worthy of God, making a reasonable provision for the journey which they are obliged to take. See Mark 5:13, Mark 7:29; : The devil is gone out of thy daughter, εξεληλυθε, is Expelled. a. 2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.3 It gave me great joy when some believers(B)came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. Teacher Study Hints for Thinking Further. Choose a verse from '1 John 3' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on StudyLight.org He heard that Gaius had been walking in the truth, and testified that his greatest joy was found in his children’s walking in the truth. In the itinerant ministry of the apostles it appears that each Church bore the expenses of the apostle to the next Church or district to which he was going to preach the word of life. At the start of the letter, the writer calls himself the‘*elder’. - Syriac Philoxenian. Here it means that the writer is a leader in the church. The apostle's address to Caius, and his good wishes for his prosperity in body and soul, 3 John 1:1, 3 John 1:2. The main messages of the books. Commentary on 3 John 1:1-8. Notice of Diotrephes. That the voyage was too long and dangerous for a man at John's advanced age to think of taking. Summary- John wrote to Gaius, whom he loved in truth, and prayed that his health would prosper as his soul prospered. That St. John took such a voyage Michaelis thinks probable; "for since Corinth lay almost opposite to Ephesus, and St. John, from his former occupation, before he became an apostle, was accustomed to the sea, it is not improbable that the journey or voyage which he proposed to make was from Ephesus to Corinth.". For other particulars concerning John, the reader is requested to refer to the preface to his gospel. As in his first two epistles, John continues to stress the importance of “the truth” and how he was filled … 3 John 1:1-15 NRSV Commentary. He commends him for his steadiness in the truth, and his general hospitality, especially to the itinerant evangelists, 3 John 1:3-8. - Codd. For example, 1 John 3:11 refers to the message which the people heard “from the beginning.” It is usually assumed that this means from the first time they started hearing anything about the Gospel, but it could also be a more general use, referring to the ... Commentary). It could meanthat the person was old. Ill John was written to John's friend Gaius. Commentary on 3 John James Rosscup - Gill (1697–1771), a pastor of England, wrote these which are two-column pages, ca. John Gill's Exposition of the Bible /. Grace and health are rich companions. For his name's sake they went forth - For the sake of preaching the Gospel of the grace of God, and making known Jesus to the heathen. All rights reserved. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Again, as in 2 John, the author refers to himself as the elder. It is the third in a series of 3 epistles that bear the Apostle John’s name. Bible Commentaries /. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary 3 John. 3 John /. False teachers had infiltrated the church denying the divinity of Jesus Christ. εξερχομαι . John 3:5, ESV: "Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." The third of John to Caius concerning Demetrius, of whom he witnesses the most excellent things. The epistle called 3 John concerns three individuals, and in this letter the apostle John sends an essential message to each of them: Gaius. Gaius had received them while Diotrephes had opposed their reception. Taking nothing of the Gentiles - Receiving no emolument for their labor, but in every respect showing themselves to be truly disinterested. This and the preceding epistle both read over in reference to a new edition, Jan. 3rd, 1832. Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! Luke 8:2; : Mary Magdalene; out of whom went, αφ 'ἡς δαιμονια ἑπτα εξεληλυθει, out of whom were Cast, seven demons. Instead of φιλοι and φιλους, friends, the Codex Alexandrinus and several others read αδελφοι and αδελφους, brethren. The conversation with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) supply αν after εγραψα, and several judicious critics believe it is implied, the translation will run thus: I would have written to the Church to receive these men kindly, but Diotrephes, who affects the presidency; and into whose hands, if I wrote to the Church, my letter must come, receiveth us not - would not acknowledge my authority to interfere with any of the matters of his Church; and therefore I have written unto thee, whose love to the brethren and general hospitality are well known, that thou wouldst receive those strangers and persecuted followers of our common Lord. I John 2:7; 3:2,21; 4:1,7,11; III John 1,2,5,11), but is not found as a title for believers in the Gospel or the Revelation. Several persons of the name of Caius occur in the New Testament. If he went by land, he must traverse a great part of Asia, go through Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly, and down through Greece, to the Morea, a most tedious and difficult journey. New Revised Standard Version and Student Study Handout for 3 John 1:1-15. A rich soul may be lodged in a weak body; and grace must then be exercised in submitting to such a dispensation. Jude. To Caius concerning Demetrius, of whom he loved in truth to avoid example... Do not have John 7:53—8:11 click continue of a spiritual and temporal kind taking nothing of the.... S name unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are nowhere. Click to enlarge Charts from Jensen 's Survey of the New Testament the Epistle contains many sentiments! I John is that Jesus was God come in the ancient writings of the Jews see another from! 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