She would also help Karrde deliver a pair of ysalamiri to Han Solo over Almania when he went in search of Kueller, the mastermind behind the bombing who was attempting to kill Skywalker. [96], In a 1997 poll by Star Wars Insider magazine about the fans' favorite Star Wars characters, Mara Jade placed 20th, the highest-ranked character who did not appear in a Star Wars movie. [106] Hamill did not meet McRandle until a fan convention in 2004. The meeting resulted in Skywalker assigning different members of the Order to various missions, and Jade Skywalker was sent with her nephew Anakin Solo to Dantooine, both as a chance for her to recover and fight her disease and as a small scouting probe to see if Dantooine was on the Yuuzhan Vong invasion corridor. She is in a long distance relationship with the Australian cricketer, Ben Cutting. Knowing full well the leverage she had over them, LaRone agreed to her terms reluctantly. Jade returned to Imperial Center and reported her findings to Palpatine, but also saved General Deerian, whom she believed to be honest, from the fallout of Glovstoak's destruction. While she was breaking in, a group of guards came in—actually droids—and she engaged them with her blaster and lightsaber. Species However, the planet of Duro was soon engulfed in conflict as it became the next target of the Yuuzhan Vong. She was recently away from him and aboard the Wild Karrde with Karrde after they had spent a week together on Mon Calamari when he called for information and she told him about the bombing of the Senate Hall. She quickly became one of the most famous characters of the Expanded Universe, judging by the number and volume of appearances the character has had. Ben Daniels (born 10 June 1964) is an English actor. While on Borleias, General Wedge Antilles appointed her as Head of Intelligence for all in-system forces with command of the Borleias ground base personnel. Initially, Jade Skywalker trapped Jacen beneath rubble by collapsing the ceiling and attempted to shoot him with a blaster. [71], In 40 ABY, a civil war broke out between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia. She left the academy not long after, but later returned after she heard Kun had put Skywalker in a coma. She also decided that having willing stormtrooper accomplices would be useful. The mission was a partial success: although the rogue Jedi had all been partially assimilated by the Taat nest, most of them were persuaded to return to Alliance space. Meanwhile, Lando Calrissian, YVH 1-1A, and C-3PO managed to recover Ben and take him off Coruscant, where he was eventually reunited with his parents. [23], After the assassination, Jade reported to the Emperor that the mission had been successful. She confided to him that her spirits were dwindling as the war continued—Jade Skywalker had hoped that things would have improved in the galaxy after the treaty with the Empire. Ultimately, though, Skywalker rejected the idea of revenge and forced himself to not confront Caedus; that fell to Jade Skywalker's niece and apprentice, Jaina Solo, who killed the Sith. In the following years, Jade Skywalker was active during the Dark Nest Crisis and the subsequent Swarm War, wherein she helped to thwart the expansionist plans of Raynar Thul and the insectoid Killiks who were spreading into Chiss space and subverting many other people into becoming Joiners under the influence of several Dark Jedi. She remained in a dream-like state for several days, until she was apprehended by two of Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard's henchmen. [59], The Skywalkers and Hamner returned to their apartments, where they met with the healer Cilghal and noted physician Ism Oolos. Standing at 6 feet 4 inches, Ben Cutting's statuesque built adds an extra quality to the fiery pace of this prodigious national prospect. Education and early career. While Skywalker and Lumiya dueled each other, Jade Skywalker and Rar entered into a deadly fight—Rar shot at Jade Skywalker with a poison dart, but Jade Skywalker was able to defeat the Twi'lek, knocking her unconscious. [23], Mara Jade while being hunted by Ysanne Isard, Her hatred of Skywalker for destroying her master burned deep within her and she vowed to kill the Jedi Knight. Jade Skywalker and Jaina hesitantly gave pursuit to Anor, but while they were chasing him, Anor set off various bombs in the underground tunnels, essentially trapping the Jedi. The layered cortosis in the walls near the tunnel entrance, along with semi-sentient predators and fire creepers, slowed them down, but they were able to penetrate the fortress. [5], Additionally, Jade Skywalker was also extremely devoted, serving what she viewed as Palpatine's will even after his death. Jade repelled the attackers, but the holocron was stolen. According to FindLaw , most states prohibit changing your name to escape debt, hide from criminal liability, or to commit a crime. Jade was dismissed from Palpatine's presence before he accepted Lumiya's service, maintaining her illusion that she was the only Hand, but Jade nevertheless sensed immediate hostility from Lumiya. In 2006, she received a music scholarship from Cairns State High School, and then from The Women’s College, University of Sydney. 2d Ben Baby and Todd Archer. She managed to obtain her lightsaber and quickly kill the remaining Nebula members, though not before they killed Drig and Jorshmin, a patron whom Jade had befriended. After fighting through three rows of guards, she was able to watch Skywalker kill the rancor. The Z-95 was a dependable and reliable fighter which was able to pack both speed and firepower into its small package. Jade Skywalker ultimately saw her efforts against the Yuuzhan Vong rewarded in the war's final battle on Coruscant with the death of Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane. Parck ordered his troops to stand down to prevent unnecessary slaughter, and the two escaped, pursued by Chiss troops once they were clear of the officers. She was raised as a servant and assassin to Emperor Palpatine and became a high-level Force-using operative. She was the first to reach an injured Jacen Solo and made a heroic effort to rescue him from the tangled wreckage of his StealthX. Jade Skywalker allowed him to live, but she forced him to show her an entrance to Shimrra's citadel. Raines told her that he was a special aide to the governor and his name was Markko. After the mission, they returned to Coruscant. In this episode of VS, Ben takes on the Internet’s most asked questions, tells us his biggest pet peeves and reveals his celebrity crush. In later missions where she was assigned to discreetly observe him, Jade soon became envious of Vader and sensed a division in him, specifically because she didn't understand the basis of his obsession concerning a young Jedi named Luke Skywalker. Years later, Jade remembered little about her early life besides her parents' reluctance to let her go and her own certainty that she was going to leave with the Emperor. After marrying Skywalker, Mara Jade took the surname Skywalker and devoted her life to the New Jedi Order, becoming a Master in her own right. In another non-canon appearance, Mara Jade appears in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game as a playable character in the duel mode for the Nintendo Wii and PSP. Jade and the Falcon pursued the craft into the heart of The Maw, unwilling to let the superweapon escape. However, Jade was not entirely thrilled with Calrissian, as she was not fond of his constant flirting with her, though she was impressed by him giving the Falcon to Han Solo as a gift even after winning it back in a game of sabacc. Distraught at their findings, Jade Skywalker decided that Ben had to be taken away from Jacen. To retrieve the holocron, she decided to "board" a cargo crate that was headed for Rathalay, the pirates' base. [53], Shortly thereafter, Jade Skywalker and Anakin departed for the Leafy Green, and along the way she continued her previous lessons on spying and infiltration with Anakin. She accepted. Sneaking in through a second passageway shown to them by their alien guides, Skywalker and Jade entered a different part of the fortress, that time encountering an unripe clone of Thrawn. [13] She also allowed Governor Bidor Ferrouz to survive despite admitting to treason, since he had been forced to collaborate with the Rebel Alliance to save his kidnapped family. Jade calmed down some, and revealed to Skywalker that she and Calrissian were never really in a relationship; it had been a cover story for Karrde's mission. Jade Skywalker's son and nephew were sent to Adumar, where they discovered a secret missile factory. [53], During their final withdrawal from the Duro system, Jade Skywalker received a vision through the Force telling her that her baby was a boy. "[5], During her travels, she landed on Kintoni, where she spotted the Rebel general Crix Madine. Biographical information Around 1.5 ABY, Jade was responsible for uncovering information about Rebel Alliance droids, C-3PO and R2-D2, for Vader, though Vader was either unwilling or unable to collect the information from her himself. Masters During the First Corellian Insurrection, and though she harbored a vendetta against Luke Skywalker, she was able to prioritize the severity of the situation and place her differences with Skywalker aside—she proceeded to warn Leia and the Senate about the recently uncovered plot to destroy the New Republic. She kept fighting Jacen with her shoto and vibroblade even after sustaining a scalp injury and being painfully thrown into a brick wall several times, using her assassin's training and physical skills to good effect. [31] Jade Skywalker was also a skilled user of multiple types of weaponry, including blaster pistols and rifles, melee weapons, and heavy weapons. His Wife or girlfriend Ben Stokes wife. McRandle's first portrayal of Mara Jade Skywalker was for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. Knowing that Krayt had returned to corporeal planes, she told him that he couldn't give up yet as long as the galaxy needed him to help him fight the Sith. Her loving tourist destinations are Maldives, Greece, and Spain. Though Anakin was prepared to defend those present by killing the spy with his lightsaber, Jade Skywalker yelled at Anakin to stop—the Yuuzhan Vong chose to slit its own throat with its claw, rather than be a prisoner of the Jedi. During the Thrawn Campaign, she flew a Z-95 Headhunter and flew at the Battle for the Katana fleet, though she was disabled by an ion cannon. Jade Skywalker was experiencing some of the more unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, including morning sickness and mood swings. However, Veila was able to make herself invisible in the Force and proceeded to severely wound the Dark Jedi. She attempted to deal with the commodore, who ignored her and had his pirate accomplice Caaldra kill her. To test security at the gate, she used the Force to manipulate the steering controls on a passing landspeeder, causing it to nearly crash into the gate. However, Egron and Markko managed to intercept her before she could escape the palace. Jade shot his weapon and used the datapad to display the image of the Executor on the sensor screens, tricking the Rebels into thinking the ship was after them. Both injured, they were pleased with just escaping Human League captivity, and eventually decided to head to Selonia. Skywalker had been infiltrating the group when he was discovered, and Karrde had sent Jade in the Starry Ice to check on him and the pirates. Picking up his cue, Jade Skywalker explained that Daxar Ies had been one of her early targets as Emperor's Hand: when his wife and daughter disturbed her at the murder scene, she had told them to flee. The smuggler told her that Kuro was on the fifth planet of the Cophrigin system. The Jedi agreed to go to Nirauan to rescue her, bringing her Jade's Fire and his X-wing to the remote planet. As she stood over him with her lightsaber ready to deliver the death-blow, Anor begged for mercy. However, Jade received a Force-related warning of the Imperials' arrival and activated the Wild Karrde's engines, preparing them for flight, much to the surprise of her fellow crew members and Karrde. The main focus in Jade Skywalker's life at that time was her family: her husband, and perhaps even more importantly, her young son Ben. [23], She learned that he was actually a Black Nebula agent who had been inserted into the Imperial officer corps to feed Dequc information. Under Kam Solusar's tutelage, Horn and Mara Jade trained together, enjoying physical exercise such as running expeditions through the jungle, and learned to appreciate their differences—that proved to be a wise choice, as it was not long until the spirit of Exar Kun took control of Durron and wreaked havoc on the Jedi. While he was fully engaged in the dark powers of the temple, Jade was forced to defend against Katarn's attacks, managing to fend him off each time. [64], Dropping out of hyperspace near the Imperial capital of Bastion, they arrived in the middle of the Battle of Bastion. Though he isn’t able to give her ample time, yet she loves him, and understands his busy schedule in cricket. Erin Holland Alongside Jessica Mauboy (In The Secret Daughter). At Kavan, Jade Skywalker appeared as a Force ghost to Ben showing hair was involved and mouthing the words "I love you." McGuire later wrote, “Ben had always done a bit of duffing. Jade Skywalker and the others, however, advised the other refugee ships that it was now left to their own personal discretion whether they decided to stay and surrender, or fight and flee. Ferrouz had been reported to be collaborating with the Rebel Alliance and Palpatine tasked her with ascertaining the voracity of the accusations and executing Ferrouz if they were substantiated. [107], The decision to kill off Mara Jade Skywalker was made by Lucasfilm for the plot of the novel Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. The first Hasbro figure did not use Shannon McRandle's likeness, but the Gentle Giant product did. The memory of Mara Jade Skywalker also remained with Khedryn Faal, a salvager Korr encountered. Meet the team The next person that both Skywalker and Ben saw was Jade Skywalker. However, they also took that opportunity to confront Jacen about his activities with Ben, but a battle alarm allowed him to slip away. Sent to Abregado-rae to retrieve a ship of Karrde's, the Etherway, that had been impounded, her departure from the system was interrupted by the arrival of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Adamant. Her husband, meanwhile, had just returned from a meeting with the New Republic Advisory Council, and Jade Skywalker advised him about the rash actions of Jedi Knight Wurth Skidder in destabilizing the situation over Rhommamool. As she was climbing down a cliff, she was nearly blasted by R2-D2, controlling Skywalker's X-wing. Moreover Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of Mahlon, have I purchased to be my wife, to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance, that the name of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren, and from the gate of his place: ye [are] witnesses this day. Ben Cutting is a professional cricketer who plays for the Australian team. However, the discussion was quickly deflected by Jade Skywalker onto the recent memorial for Chewbacca. [91] Zahn stated that she was a complex character, but not difficult to write. However, as the Constrainer reverted into the system, Jade piloted the ship out of its range and made the jump into hyperspace, her seemingly premature activation of the ship's engines having saved them from an Imperial trap. [50], Soon, with the aid of the Imperials, the Chiss party, and the Survivors, the Skywalkers had the Vagaari in full retreat and forced them to activate their contingency plan. All the while, she was still haunted by the Emperor's last command: "You will kill Luke Skywalker. Apart from singing and dancing, she also likes travelling, swimming and reading. The most well known is model Shannon McRandle—formerly Shannon Baksa—in the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. She was the first Jedi to engage a Yuuzhan Vong when Yomin Carr, who had instigated the world's destruction, attacked her. [9] For a very short while she operated a ship by the name of Hunter's Luck, which had originally been a rich kid's private yacht, but was then captured by pirates. The three women returned to Coruscant, with Jade Skywalker again experiencing an attack of the disease, now in her womb. The result was the decisive Battle of Ebaq, which Jade Skywalker, Winter Celchu, and Ackbar viewed from Fleet Command back on Mon Calamari. Despite their short time together, Mara trusted Kyle (who had left for the planet Dromund Kass and was subsequently corrupted by the dark side[9]) to not strike her down by deactivating her lightsaber after their fight, leaving her at his mercy. They then left Imperial space for Chiss territory, accompanied by an Imperial frigate, the Widowmaker, under the command of Captain Yage, to support and escort them. As Palpatine's assassin, she received top-notch training from experts in a variety of fields as well as training in the Force, which was continued by Luke Skywalker years later. When Jacen came to, he joined Jade Skywalker in protecting Skywalker's flanks as he battled the deformed Dark Jedi Lomi Plo. After Nom Anor betrayed his erstwhile companions by killing Nen Yim, wounding Harrar, and sabotaging the planetary hyperdrives of Sekot, he called in a landing craft of Yuuzhan Vong warriors to pick him up and flee the planet. Before the former church minister, 36, and his graphic-designer wife, 34, shot to success on their hit series Home Town, on which they find and renovate homes for families, they were newlyweds trying to fix up their own dream house: a 1925 craftsman cottage in Laurel, Miss. Later, though, she and Anakin Solo discovered that someone had been accessing files on old Imperial superweapons. She provides aid for the Lilla Community located in the Northern Territory, Australia, and is actively involved with the charity organizations like Variety Club (the children’s charity), Make-A-Wish Foundation, and Ronald McDonald. The aliens had already seized control of the Chaf Envoy and were making their way around the derelict. During her time on Yavin 4 she lent her Headhunter to fellow Jedi student Corran Horn, and he used it to destroy four Sithspawn monsters. Back on Rhommamool, Anor would later use a missile strike to hit the Mediator and destroy Osa-Prime, causing the political conflict to escalate into a full blown war. After Abeloth was defeated by Skywalker, Ben, the Sith apprentice Vestara Khai, and Darth Krayt, Skywalker was reeling from the effects of psychic wounds sustained fighting Abeloth and had no desire to return to corporeal existence. Moreover, Skywalker's visions of the future didn't necessarily show her in the future. [7], Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker in the Unknown Regions, Following the victory at Ebaq Nine, Cal Omas called a meeting of several prominent Jedi and government officials, including Jade Skywalker. Her sense of protectiveness was heightened by the fact that Ben had cut himself off from the Force, apparently in response to trauma during his infancy, when he had been unable to shield himself from the pain and suffering of the war-torn galaxy. She also was able to reveal that he had been hired by the governor for computer work, rather than that the governor needed Ghent's services, which was what Markko had originally told her. Sebatyne continued with her eulogy, recounting Jade Skywalker's history and using her change from a life of serving the dark side and rationalizing sacrifices to make a point to Jacen Solo, who had done the exact opposite.[76]. When Ben selects his aliens it shows the alien's silhouette.The prototype Omnitrix (before recalibration) in Omniverse looks the same as how it was in the Original Series. Undaunted, she quickly took over the ship, captured Tannis, and signaled the Reprisal via the Happer's Way's communications relay to assist her and the freighter. With the Yuuzhan Vong now unconscious, Jade Skywalker and Anakin took the captured spy back for interrogation and study. Jade was packed with a Luke Skywalker figure, and issue #5 of Heir to the Empire by Dark Horse Comics. When she accused him of treasonous embezzlement, Barkale threw a vase at her. She put an end to him when he tried to shoot her and she redirected the bolt into him with her lightsaber. Jade later searched for the Hand of Judgment to see what had happened to them, but they had disappeared and she was unable to find them. Ben Shapiro is ripe for meme-ing by his mere existence, but his latest self-own takes the proverbial cake. Performs for the first set, Rebels and Imperials Ben disappeared, the pirates '.... His doubts that his father Anakin might have been Nom Anor, was incentive her. Presence and composure seemed out of place growing concerned for their out-of-contact members Zonama... Of Grand Admiral Thrawn, she and Anakin were disappointed that their prisoner was now dead and. Surface, acquitting herself well despite her earlier warning to them, LaRone 's,. Escorted to the Imperial court assumed her to fight against the Republic shoot Lumiya times... 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