Hi Raymond,I love figs and would appreciate if you sell a fig plant to me. Although figs can tolerate dry conditions they need plenty of water during the growing season to produce large succulent fruit. But the partners of Saf Fa Fig Garden believe they can offer customers a new experience at their farm. I hope to get your kind response. Also some fruits do not have pollinated seeds, hence can not be germinated. It takes two to three years to start getting fruits from the mango tree but it takes only three to four months for the figs.” Prune the branches down to 4 strong shoots, which will lead in the production of fruit. Shamsul Akmal Shamsudin, who co-owns Saf Fa Fig Garden, hopes to change that. I'm interested to buy some of the fig cutting from you. Do inform if it works. In Malaysia, fig farming is still at the embryonic stage, but the favourable climatic condition is expected to help it to flourish. Dig around the outsi… Okay, good luck to you on next session. “There is lots of research done on the benefits of figs, and most boast the laxative qualities of figs in helping improve digestion,” they said. Figs flourish in hot, dry climates and the fruit require all-day sun to ripen. “We now have about 500 varieties of fig trees but this is just our trial period. Our objective is to identify the fruiting pattern and culture of each variety so we can decide which saplings are the best,” he says. Also I feel that most are moving from cuttings to air layering. Use the light potting mixture to apply in trees. Some of them had already been cultivating figs for two or three years and they were happy to share their experience and knowledge and even their trials and errors,” he says. Looking back when we first started, some people thought it was hard to grow fig trees in Malaysia as they believe it can only be found in the Middle East and Europe. Serembanonline will bring you all the good news and local stories you want to read and. Please feel free to contact me.My email is teobetsy@yahoo.com, I'm looking for the American species of figs tree cuttings. Our fig as still too small to propagate. As with roots and leafs, it … Shamsul’s fig farm is not the first or only one in Malaysia. Getting cuttings from Malaysia is rather pricey (personal opinion). I would like to get more info from you if that's okay with you. Growing Figs in Michigan Why bother growing your own figs? Hi, I'm interested to buy some of the fig cutting from you. He plans to open another four acres (1.6ha) next year for more fig cultivation. Of course he knew next to nothing about cultivating figs at that time so to learn more, he joined a Facebook group comprising people who were enthusiastic about the plant. Be sure to add a high-nitrogen fertilizer every 4 weeks in the spring and summer and water the tree moderately. Figs are a flowering plant that are edible. Keep the tree in full sun in the summer. More typically, their heights range from 10 – 30 ft. do u sell. hi, im interested to buy 1 small tree of black jack. Romulus and Remus – the mythical twin brothers who founded Rome – were said to have rested under a fig tree with the wolf that nurtured them. Am already transferring the figs to our farm. At our farm, we will focus on cultivating these two species,” he says. There are also giant figs that can weigh up to 150g per fig. “We also have a facility at our farm dedicated to supplying fig plants for the research. How to plant a fig tree If growing your fig tree in the ground, dig a planting hole, and then part fill it with well-rotted manure and rubble, to help restrict roots. Many other enterprising individuals have already successfully begun their own fig farms. As you can see this is our typical WEEKEND ACTIVITIES to serve each and everyone of our beloved visitors.Our aim is to educate the Malaysians the presence of Fig in Malaysia. Getting cuttings from Malaysia is rather pricey (personal opinion). Each variety has an exquisitely delicious flavour and texture with subtle differences inside. However, Lawrence and Cheah weren’t satisfied just selling fresh figs. Yes, Ara, Tin, Fig are the same. Make sure your tree is well watered through summer and mulch around it with pea straw or barley straw. why only cuttings; cant the seeds be germinated? I'm looking on those fig fruite with sweety or honey likes taste and not to be forgetten a juicy type too.So, pls email me your list of variety and stock that avail to let go.My email: keanhon@gmail.com. As a newbie kindly consider to start of with some hardy / low cost fig as it may die on you due to improper care. Divide up the nitrogen into 3 to 4 feedings. Also I feel that most are moving from cuttings to air layering. “A small tree of about a foot tall will grow through the roof of the greenhouse in just four months,” he says. Sorry Jon, the figs are still too immature to propagate at the moment. When he is not traversing the globe in search of more varieties of figs, Shamsul is at his farm, caring for his plants and planning for the future. No figs here. Figs make your health your wealth. Place one seed in each hole and cover with soil. In 2006 39,659 hectare vegetable grown with total production 572,687 metric tones increase to about 40,980 in 2010 with total production about 534,370 mt (estimated). I guess it shall take another year before we can do that.Regards. Prune your fig tree in the summer of the second year, as it is not necessary to prune them during their first year of growth. Buy your plants from a reputable nursery to avoid nematode problems with your figs. Propagation Methods Favorite Varieties A year in the life of a northern grown fig Fig Shuffle Growing Winter Storage What to do with all those figs? For now, Saf Fa Fig Garden sells its produce only through social media platforms such as Facebook. Figs don’t require formal training; just thin or head back as needed to control size. To plant fig trees, you can bring a healthy plant from a nearby nursery or if you have a fig tree nearby, then you can also propagate through its cutting. In another covered area are about 20 large drums of water that Shamsul describes as his “insurance against water shortage”. “I saw some fig trees and remember a friend once told me I should start collecting them,” he recalls. But recently when I join a closed group on Facebook that call Malaysia Gardeners I notice that many friends talk and exchange ideas and information on Fig and growing it in their garden. Outside his office is a covered work area where three employees are busily preparing soil with a balanced mix of minerals that are vital for the saplings to grow. For the connoisseur, the dried fig does not taste as good as the fresh variety. Sorry Wierlliemz Chan, the fruits of the Black Mission had all dropped, now am not sure if these stocks are good for Malaysia, have to wait till next season to confirm if these can set fruits. On the spot, he bought three fig plants and went on to buy hundreds more in his travels around the world. They are lusciously honey sweet with a texture that combines the chewy flesh with the smooth skin and the crunchy seeds. So sad. Regards. Please feel free to contact me at ch9wong@gmail.com Thank you very much. Figs are a good replacement for vegetables.”, Figs are also a sweet way to lose weight as they are fibre rich and it’s not just the fruit that aids health as the leaves also contain anti-diabetic properties. Figs also grow well and look great when espaliered against a wall. An early fruiting variety fruits in spring, fruit forms in the previous autumn, and main crop varieties fruit in autumn. We have already given about 200 plants,” Shamsul says. Figs are known for many curative properties, Shamsul explains. Move figs growing in pots into a sunny location, outdoors, once there is no danger of frost. Perhaps to prove his conviction that figs will find a following in Malaysia, Shamsul offers up a plate of the fruit for us to sample. Thank you. Pls email me at : wvoo@hotmail.sgThanksWendy, Hello Wendy, sorry for the late reply. However, the fig will lose its flavour if harvested early. Under a memorandum of understanding signed between Saf Fa Fig Garden and UKM, the institution will conduct research on the tissue culture and active compounds of the fig fruit and leaf. The intake of the leaves in the form of tea and as a salad have allegedly reduced the amount of insulin needed by persons with diabetes who require insulin injections and is a remedy for gout sufferers. “We want to help develop eco-tourism here in Kampung Juasseh. The fig is yet to become a regular item on the Malaysian menu, but several enthusiasts, such as Shamsul Akmal Shamsudin, have begun cultivating the fruit in anticipation of a growing demand. You can buy figs as bare-rooted stock or in pots at the nursery. Please feel free to contact me at dhizull@gmail.com Thank you very much. Proudly created with. Other ways to obtain fig trees is to plant root suckers from other trees or obtain divisions or cuttings from mature plants. Don't want to sell Figs that cant fruit in Malaysia. “It also starts fruiting at that age. FigDirect Sdn Bhd, based in Perlis, is believed to be the first commercially planted fig farm in Malaysia and possibly the largest outdoor fig farm. Contact Shamsul at his Face Book page: Shamsul Akmal Shamsudin (Saf Fa Fig Garden), © 2023 by "This Just In". Of course we have the local fig trees but it just grow wild and most of the time folks in this country never use it for food. Growing figs is a simple process. Sharing our success and failure. The best times are late fall or … Hello Salmah din, thank you for your visit. Hi Raymon,I am from seremban and newbie to Figs, i am interested to buy some cutting or potted plant from you. Kindly check on Facebook, I think there is a couple of fig farm in Kedah and you can get figs from them. Pollinating insects(for most varieties, a tiny wasp) gain acce… “I picked up a lot of knowledge and got many new ideas from the group. Back-fill with compost and firm into place. Am documenting the happenings and progress of our farms. The commercial growing of figs in Southeast Asia (SEA) has opened up more possibilities for innovating with this superfruit. Nowadays thanks to some planters, fig trees are thriving in our tropical weather. serembanonline will also help you locate the best places to visit in N9, where the best food can be found in N9, tell you what activities you can do in N9 and advise you on the best accomodation in Negeri Sembilan. On the market for figs, Mohamad Hafidz said he had his hands full meeting demands from hotel operators and health juice manufacturers. This garden should look very different in a few month’s time, as we are about ready to delete everything and redo the whole area with proper trellis, irrigation, a hydroponic element, and design that is more pleasing to the eyes. My email address is juanyoong@gmail.com. Hi Raymond, I really love figs and am thrilled they can be planted in msia! said by a visitor. **If you can more of a bush than a tree, begin training the plant to a bush form by cutting off the upper 1/3 of the fig at planting time. “We sell only to friends now, but we will eventually market it properly and sell to restaurants and hotels,” he says. Benelli Keeway TX200 Ride To Bukit Tinngi. Shamsul, 47, planted his first fig trees in the backyard of his home in Tampin. The Greeks were so enamoured by the fig that they passed laws to prohibit the export of the best varieties of the fruit. Thank you JY Chua for your visit & interest, very sorry am temporary away from my farm at the moment.I think there are some people selling Figs in Seremban. Figs are an attractive deciduous tree and can reach up to 50 ft tall. Pls email me at lauliyen@gmail.comThank you! Is there any for sale? He finally left the company in February to concentrate on developing a business related to figs – his new found love. “A small tree of about a foot tall will grow through the roof of the greenhouse in just four months,” he says. It is not easy to describe the unique taste and texture of fresh figs. Hi RaymondDo you have any fig plants or cutting for sale now? The café overlooks a postcard scene of herons surveying padi fields for food. please email me azrirahim@yahoo.com. Prune your figs when necessary. Serembanonline is a website that tells you everything about Malaysia's best kept secret, Negeri Sembilan, or N9. Hi, I'm interested to buy some of the fig cutting or a small plant from you. wtmkesong@hotmail.com, Hi Raymond, I'm from kedah and found intrested to fig planting after viewed few fig's blog include yours. Like to learn and grow figs which is not available in Sri Lanka. Shamsul Akmal Shamsudin is quite enamoured with this member of the mulberry family. Figs can't stand temperatures that consistently fall below 0 degrees F. Still, you can actually get away with growing figs in colder climates if planted against a south-facing wall to benefit from the radiant heat. Middle finger: dried fig seeds Make several small indents in the soil. Apply some compost and mulch after planting. Give love and be patient in waiting. Ever since I wanted to start on Fig 2 months ago, I had been trying to get some cuttings to start off. The fig can trace its history back to the biblical era. We grow over 1000 fig species from middle east, North Africa, eastern and southern Europe. The greenhouses are not cheap but they are necessary to enable us to control the environment and to keep out pests such as insects, squirrels and monkeys and especially birds because they eat only the best varieties,” he says. Once the figs appear, apply liquid tomato fertiliser every two to three weeks during the growing season, until they start to ripen. Apart from freshly plucked figs, he plans to sell fig juice, fig gelato and ice cream, fig jam, chocolate-coated figs, dried figs and even fig tea. “They are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure. Ever since I wanted to start on Fig 2 months ago, I had been trying to get some cuttings to start off. In Europe the fig fruits only in the summer months, severely limiting the harvest but in hot and sunny Malaysia, figs fruit all year round. “This will expand the agro-based products for the local and overseas markets,” he said. If you have them, using paving slabs to make a wall around the roots to further restrict them. While Western Asia and Northern Africa are the top two fig-producing regions globally, the situation may soon change, as Malaysia now has the largest commercially growing fig plantation in SEA. Cultivating Fig in Malaysia is an expensive game. Don’t get caught paying for fruit trees, when you can easily clone them for free. “Once you get into figs, you’re hooked on it,” he says with a laugh. Figs are some of the most highly prized fruits, rich in fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants, they often cost a lot in stores due to their short shelf life. In the Middle East, figs are seasonal fruits. Shamsul set up Saf Fa Fig Garden to focus on the fig business. Other cultivars require pollination. “I first planted them in pots but I later learnt that figs must be cultivated in a greenhouse to flourish. (I believe diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin, so how can reducing the amount of insulin in the body help a diabetic?). It is believed that it was first cultivated in Egypt, later spreading to Greece where it became a staple food. Water well during summer. To lighten the potting mix, you can mix the perlite or sand in it. We have an agreement with the NS Daily Farm nearby to refer our customers to one another,” he adds. After the tree matures, prune back every spring before the figs begin to grow. If you live in an area that has prolonged single digits over the winter months, you can’t grow figs … “It also starts fruiting at that age. When growing figs in pots, the first consideration is to ascertain the appropriate varieties suitable for container grown figs. Shamsul’s first introduction to figs was during a visit to a nursery in New Zealand where he was actually looking to buy a climbing rose. A fruit favoured by ancient civilizations. It takes two to three years to start getting fruits from the mango tree but it takes only three to four months for the figs.”. For him, this is just the start. Fig trees grow in a range of soil types, including clay, though they detest having wet feet for extended periods. If you follow these few simple steps, your figs should be great producers for years to come: Growing Zones. He says the Malaysian climate is ideal for cultivating figs. © 2023 by "This Just In". Unless grown in containers, most fig trees do not require regular fertilization. “Panache France and Croatian Dalmatie are my signature figs. Please feel free to contact me at wierlliemz@gmail.com Thank you very much. My e mail is choo_cc@yahoo.com. … Plant new fig trees outside when they’re dormant. Fresh figs do not have a long shelf live so most Malaysians have only tasted the dried ones which are imported from Europe. Use a … CAn sotings and advising me technically as to how get rooted and how to take care of Figsmeone assist me by selling few cut. Figs need a constant and consistent supply of water, he explains. Ancient conquerors and travellers later introduced the fig to other regions of the Mediterranean before they were brought to the Western Hemisphere in the early 16th century. In spring, apply a general-purpose granular feed and mulch around the base of fan trained plants, with well-rotted organic matter, to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Botanically, the fig isn’t actually a fruit but a syconium. They stand side by side, like army barracks. Shamsul explains that in Malaysia, figs also grow faster. In a country where bananas and papayas are the staples, one man hopes to make fresh figs a regular snack. Based in Chuping at the Mas-Mas Permanent Forest Reserve in Chuping, Redza said the superfruits project with FigDirect would cover a 25ha site at the permanent forest reserve and that the objective is to increase production and processing of figs. In November last year, having served Malaysia Airlines for 20 years, he gave notice that he wanted to opt for early retirement. Hi Raymond,I am Choo from Melaka. Hi Ahmad, sorry, all my black Jack died. Raymond, I wish to buy any type. what is the price and where is your nursery. Hi, I'm interested to buy some of the fig cutting from you. Today, he has about 2,000 fig trees on two acres (0.8ha) of land near Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan that he also plans to turn into an eco-tourism attraction. The leaves are large and bright green, lending a tropical feel. Notable people from around the world recognized for their work on Figs. Figs can be planted virtually year-round but, as they are deciduous, there are good stocks available in winter, or you can grow your own at that time from a hardwood cutting. Start applying the … Some are moving to potted plants, the bigger the plant, higher the price. Dig a hole at least 3 times as wide as the rootball. A 2004 study on diabetic animals showed an essential compound in fig leaves normalised the values of the animals’ fatty acids and plasma VitaminE values which in turn should allow diabetics to inject less insulin, which is costly and often a life-long chore. Shamsul says there are other fig farms where the “common varieties” are cultivated but he intends to stay focused on the premium stock. We choose a few varities of good taste and long shelf life for cultivation. The Spaniards later took the fig to other parts of the world. Figara11 offers grade AA and giant figs too. For container fig trees, grow them in a soil-based potting mix and add fine bark chips to improve drainage. Soon Shamsul’s backyard quickly filled up with fig trees and he knew then that his hobby had become a passion. As with roots and leafs, it is even more pricey. Due to their strong interest, they decided to plant more fig trees not far from our home and it later turned into FTG in 2016. “We expect to have another 4,000 fig trees on the new site,” he says. What is the average height when planted in an urn? Hi Raymond!I am helping my lecturer gather info on fig cuttings and where they will be available for sale and also their price. The fig plants start to yield fruits by the fourth to sixth month and each plant can produce up to 40kg per harvest,” he said. I built a small one and I soon saw what a difference it made to have control over temperature and water. I have just started too and it is addictive.Salmah. It’s a portion of stem that expanded into a sac containing flowers that grow internally. Cultivating Fig in Malaysia is an expensive game. Hi RaymondDo you have fig plan or cutting to sale now?Email me at klneng@yahoo.com or klneng@gmail.comRegardsVincent, From Sri Lanka. would like to buy a live plant or cuttings from you. Please email me at iqinismail93@gmail.comThank you! Planting figs in a tropical country also means the trees are more prone to pests. In ancient Rome, it was almost sacred. The Fresh FIG Farm We are the FRESH FIG Farm in Malaysia. "I HAVE NEVER THOUGHT FIG TREE CAN GROW IN MALAYSIA." thanks. Good luck in your venture. I see another one near my building City one, behind Dang Wangi Police quarter. I found some trees near ampang park (car park, adjacent to G-Tower), is it a Fig Tree? Vegetable growing in Malaysia as an important industry in Food Production Sector. “The infrastructure alone costs us more than RM400,000. “We want to give our customers an eco-experience as they enjoy our figs and other products (such as fig gelato and fig tea) they may not have tried,” Shamsul says. On his two-acre farm outside Kuala Pilah, Shamsul has built 15 greenhouses, each measuring 20ft wide and 100ft long (6m by 30m). Good luck to you too. TQ, Hi Raymond, Are buah ara and figs the same. Figs need high temperatures and inside the greenhouse it is really, really hot,” he explains. Now you can purchase fresh figs from a local supermarket throughout the year. Apart from fresh figs and juice, Saf Fa Fig Garden will also offer fig soap, perfume, lotions and supplements. They plan to open a café where they’ll serve fresh figs. Hi Bronnie, Figs take 2-3 years to fruit, is it an early variety or main crop variety? The saplings are allowed to germinate inside small cups before they are sent to the greenhouse. Gauging our progress so that we can look back 25 years from now (2035). Proudly created with Wix.com. In Malaysia, the papaya, banana and many other local fruits are harvested when they are 60% to 70% ripe and are on the shelf when they are 90% ripe. “If planting during summer make sure the soil is constantly kept moist,” YatesHorticulture Consultant Angie Thomas says. Last month it was announced by Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA) chief executive Datuk Redza Rafiq that the company will be part of a project that is targeting a superfruits market. “We will then select the very best ones.”. Anyone has it? He realised he loved working with figs so much that he wanted to do it fulltime. Planting: Figs need a sunny spot, protected from winter winds. The earliest mentions of the fruit can be found in the Bible as well as the Quran. However, if your fig tree is not growing much (less than 12 inches in one growing season), you can add ½ to 1 pound of nitrogen supplement. In Malaysia, the figs we get are usually dried fruits or imported from Turkey, South Africa and Australia. Thank you for viewing our blog. Figs are native and grow in the Middle East and Western Asia. The common fig contains only female flowers and propagates without pollination. This comment has been removed by the author. “Since we are here, we can get our supply of fresh figs to the market within a few hours at reasonable prices all year round,” he says. Like other fig farmers, Shamsul is hoping that the research will bear fruit soon. “It’s something you cannot explain. The greenhouses are home to some 2,000 fig trees and saplings of almost 500 varieties. Hi KeanHon, thank you for your interest. How to Plant Figs. Edible figs grow to around 3m tall and 5m wide but can be larger. Saf Fa Fig Garden has teamed up with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Bangi to conduct research on the properties of figs at a facility in Kuala Pilah called the UKM Biodiesel and Future Crops. Shamsul explains that in Malaysia, figs also grow faster. Thank you ever so very much for sharing your experience. But unlike other plants, the fig tree lives for a century, making the initial investment all the more worthwhile. It requires full … Neither can they survive too much water but growing them in the greenhouse ensures that this does not happen. Thank you. I have a small land space and would like to plant it in a pot/urn. The lant fruits faster if we propagate from cuttings (cloning)Should we plant from seeds, it takes a longer time for the plant to mature & fruits. They need a sunny spot — full sun is vital — and well-drained soil. Pruning. Figs do best when planted in USDA zone 7 or higher. His job in logistics at Malaysia Airlines did take him places. fig; lychee (doubt this will actually fruit) pegaga, basil, lemongrass, chili & flower plant seedlings. Once you start collecting it, that’s it,” he adds to emphasise his point. Hi, I'm a Vegan from Penang. I would like to purchase fig plant from you. The perfect time to plantis during the autumn and winter, so the trees can establish themselves while it’s cold. How to Plant Fig Trees: **Figs have a wide-ranging root system. They come from Europe and they are of the premium variety. The flowers are tiny and out of sight—clustered inside the green “fruits.” Technically, figs aren’t fruits, but synconium, a special structure of a bunch of tiny flowers that are arranged within this cavity. Protected from winter winds flowers and propagates without pollination Fa fig Garden sells produce! Wanted to start off it requires full … Neither can they survive too much water but growing them a! 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